Acupressure and Reiki Treatments to Rebalance your Body, Mind & Soul

“If there is free flow, there is no pain”






Initial appointment - 75 mins £60

Follow-up - 60 mins £50

Acupressure can be traced back over 3000 years. It comes from the natural practice of people who instinctively rubbed, held or kneaded painful places for pain relief. Early healers in Asia discovered points on the body that could assist recovery from illness.

Acupressure applies the same principles as acupuncture, the difference being that needles are not used with this practice.

The Acupressure technique I offer is more closely aligned to Classical Chinese Medicine (CCM) which treats all layers of a person; physical, emotional and spiritual.

Acupressure is based upon the basic principle that energy travels along a system of energy channels called meridians, which flow up and down the body. Simply put, meridians are like rivers because they flow continuously. There are twenty major meridians, twelve of these are known as organ meridians because each one serves and influences an internal major organ. The remaining eight are known as Extraordinary meridians and these provide a deep reservoir of balancing energy to all the organ meridians and the entire body.

This therapy works through gentle finger pressure placed on special areas of electrical conductivity known as acupressure points, that lie along these channels. This allows the release of blockages that have occurred and allows a clearer, stronger energy flow again, restoring greater health.

Acupressure focuses on treating the person as a whole, rather than just treating the symptom. This re-balancing allows the body to begin to heal itself. One session may be enough to relieve an issue, however, acupressure builds upon itself for accumulative results.

During an acupressure session you will lay fully clothed on a soft massage table.

Acupressure works equally well when sent remotely if you are unable to travel or maybe prefer the comfort of your own surroundings.

I am able to offer two types of acupressure:

Clinical Acupressure can address many common physical issues:

  • Headache, neck and back problems

  • Respiratory issues

  • Digestive issues

  • High blood pressure

  • Chronic fatigue

  • Arthritis

  • Skin issues and allergies

  • Menstruation issues

  • Hormone imbalances

  • Childbirth pain relief

  • Men’s health, prostate issues

Process Acupressure is especially helpful with treating emotional and stress-related conditions that may be holding you back in life. This can lead to greater self-understanding and a change of limiting patterns.

Psychological processing skills will be incorporated alongside the same finger pressure technique.

Conditions I can help with include:

  • Post-traumatic stress

  • Panic attacks

  • Self-esteem issues

  • Relationship issues

  • Addiction

  • Childhood trauma

  • Emotional overwhelm




Initial appointment 60 mins - £50

Follow-up - £45

The ancient practice of Reiki can be traced back over 2000 years and it is believed that the technique was first used by early Tibetan Buddhist monks. This healing art was since rediscovered in early nineteenth century Japan and now continues to be practised today.

Rei = Universal life force

Ki =Energy

This treatment involves the gentle placing of hands upon a fully clothed patient. The practitioner channels healing energy from an infinite source which stimulates the body’s biomagnetic field. This compassionate vibrational frequency can affect and help promote healing of the mind and of the physical body.

Distant healing is also as effective and can be an alternative method if preferred.

Powerful, yet deeply calming, this natural healing energy can be comforting when life is difficult and helps to restore balance within. Energy levels are increased, enhancing the body’s natural healing process. Stress and anxiety are reduced, bringing about a greater clarity of mind.

Again one session may resolve an issue, or you may find that you benefit from further visits.


“I was new to Acupressure but found it to be a relaxing, effective treatment.”

Lucy D